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Leading scientist:

Binbin Lu (Wuhan University), Guanpeng Dong (Henan University)

Development team:

GWmodel Lab team including Yigong Hu, Tongyao Zhang, Linyi Zhang, Liuqi Liao, Zuoyao Yin, Tianyang Xia, Jintao Dong, Zheyi Dong

Geographical Data Science Team including Yong Liu, Dongyang Yang, Hang Zhang, Wenkai Gao, Xiangbiao Wang, Zhipeng Zhang, Mingyang Liu

GWmodelS is originally developed from an R package, namely GWmodel ( by Binbin Lu, Paul Harris, Martin Charlton, Chris Brunsdon, Tomoki Nakaya, Daisuke Murakami


Lu, B., Y. Hu, D. Yang, Y. Liu, L. Liao, Z. Yin, T. Xia, Z. Dong, P. Harris, C. Brunsdon, L. Comber and G. Dong (2023). “GWmodelS: A software for geographically weighted models.” SoftwareX 21: 101291.

Lu, B. and G. Dong (2022). GWmodelS: A High-Performance Computing Framework for Geographically Weighted Models. Spatial Data and Intelligence, Cham, Springer Nature Switzerland.

Meanwhile, we would like to pay tribute to Dr. Martin Charlton, the main developer of early versions of GWR software. ##

©This software is free for scientific research only, its copyright is reserved and please contact us for any commercial applications.
