Class GWCorrelation
Defined in File GWCorrelation.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
public gwm::SpatialMultiscaleAlgorithm
(Class SpatialMultiscaleAlgorithm)public gwm::IMultivariateAnalysis
(Struct IMultivariateAnalysis)public gwm::IParallelizable
(Struct IParallelizable)public gwm::IParallelOpenmpEnabled
(Struct IParallelOpenmpEnabled)public gwm::IBandwidthSelectable
(Struct IBandwidthSelectable)
Class Documentation
class GWCorrelation : public gwm::SpatialMultiscaleAlgorithm, public gwm::IMultivariateAnalysis, public gwm::IParallelizable, public gwm::IParallelOpenmpEnabled, public gwm::IBandwidthSelectable
The class for Geographically Weighted Correlation. Geographically Weighted Correlation is an algorithm for calculating local weighted statistics. They are local covariances, local correlations (Pearson’s), local correlations (Spearman’s), local medians, local interquartile ranges, local quantile imbalances and coordinates. To get these matrices, call these functions:
local mean <- GWCorrelation::localMean()
local standard deviation <- GWCorrelation::localSDev()
local variance <- GWCorrelation::localVar()
local skewness <- GWCorrelation::localSkewness()
local coefficients of variation <- GWCorrelation::localCV()
local covariances <- GWCorrelation::localCov()
local correlations (Pearson’s) <- GWCorrelation::localCorr()
local correlations (Spearman’s) <- GWCorrelation::localSCorr()
local medians <- GWCorrelation::localMedian()
local interquartile ranges <- GWCorrelation::iqr()
local quantile imbalances and coordinates <- GWCorrelation::qi()
Public Types
enum BandwidthInitilizeType
Type of bandwidth initilization.
enumerator Null
enumerator Initial
enumerator Specified
enumerator Null
enum BandwidthSelectionCriterionType
Type of criterion for bandwidth selection.
enumerator CV
enumerator AIC
enumerator CV
typedef void (GWCorrelation::* SummaryCalculator)()
Calculator for GWCorrelation.
typedef double (GWCorrelation::* BandwidthSizeCriterionFunction)(BandwidthWeight*)
Function to calculate the criterion for given bandwidth size.
typedef double (GWCorrelation::* BandwidthSelectionCriterionCalculator)(BandwidthWeight*)
Declaration of criterion calculator for bandwidth selection.
Public Functions
inline GWCorrelation()
Construct a new GWCorrelation object.
inline ~GWCorrelation()
Destroy the GWCorrelation object.
inline const arma::mat &localMean() const
Get local mean on each sample. Local mean on each sample.
inline const arma::mat &localSDev() const
Get local standard deviation on each sample. Local standard deviation on each sample.
inline const arma::mat &localSkewness() const
Get local skewness on each sample. Local skewness on each sample.
inline const arma::mat &localCV() const
Get local coefficients of variation on each sample. Local coefficients of variation on each sample.
inline const arma::mat &localVar() const
Get local variance on each sample. Local variance on each sample.
inline const arma::mat &localCov() const
Get local coefficients of variation on each sample. Local coefficients of variation on each sample. If corrWithFirstOnly is set true, the number of columns is the (number of fields) - 1; if not, the number of columns is the (((number of fields) - 1) * (number of fields)) / 2. For variables \(v_1, v_2, v_3, ... , v_{k-1}, v_k\), the fields are arranged as: \(cov(v_1,v_2), cov(v_1,v_3), ... , cov(v_1,v_k), cov(v_2,v_3), ... , cov(v_2,v_k), ... , cov(v_{k-1},vk)\).
inline const arma::mat &localCorr() const
Get local correlations (Pearson’s) on each sample. Local correlations (Pearson’s) on each sample. If corrWithFirstOnly is set true, the number of columns is the (number of fields) - 1; if not, the number of columns is the (((number of fields) - 1) * (number of fields)) / 2. For variables \(v_1, v_2, v_3, ... , v_{k-1}, v_k\), the fields are arranged as: \(corr(v_1,v_2), corr(v_1,v_3), ... , corr(v_1,v_k), corr(v_2,v_3), ... , corr(v_2,v_k), ... , corr(v_{k-1},vk)\).
inline const arma::mat &localSCorr() const
Get local correlations (Spearman’s) on each sample. Local correlations (Spearman’s) on each sample. If corrWithFirstOnly is set true, the number of columns is the (number of fields) - 1; if not, the number of columns is the (((number of fields) - 1) * (number of fields)) / 2. For variables \(v_1, v_2, v_3, ... , v_{k-1}, v_k\), the fields are arranged as: \(corr(v_1,v_2), corr(v_1,v_3), ... , corr(v_1,v_k), corr(v_2,v_3), ... , corr(v_2,v_k), ... , corr(v_{k-1},vk)\).
inline bool isAutoselectBandwidth()
inline const std::vector<BandwidthInitilizeType> &bandwidthInitilize() const
Get the type of bandwidth initilization.
- Returns:
std::vector<BandwidthInitilizeType> The type of bandwidth initilization
void setBandwidthInitilize(const std::vector<BandwidthInitilizeType> &bandwidthInitilize)
Set the bandwidth initilization type.
- Parameters:
bandwidthInitilize – The type of bandwidth initilization
inline const std::vector<BandwidthSelectionCriterionType> &bandwidthSelectionApproach() const
Get the bandwidth selection approach.
- Returns:
std::vector<BandwidthSelectionCriterionType> Bandwidth selection approach.
void setBandwidthSelectionApproach(const std::vector<BandwidthSelectionCriterionType> &bandwidthSelectionApproach)
Set the bandwidth selection approach.
- Parameters:
bandwidthSelectionApproach – Bandwidth selection approach.
inline BandwidthSizeCriterionFunction bandwidthSizeCriterionVar(BandwidthSelectionCriterionType type)
Get criterion calculator function for optimize bandwidth size for one variable.
- Parameters:
type – The criterion type for optimize bandwidth size for one variable.
- Returns:
BandwidthSizeCriterionFunction The criterion calculator for optimize bandwidth size for one variable.
inline virtual Status getCriterion(BandwidthWeight *weight, double &criterion) override
Get criterion value with given bandwidth for bandwidth optimization.
- Parameters:
weight – Given bandwidth.
criterion – [out] Criterion value.
- Returns:
Status Algorithm status.
inline virtual int parallelAbility() const override
Return the parallel ability of this algorithm.
- Returns:
Bitwise OR of aviliable parallel types of this algorithm.
inline virtual ParallelType parallelType() const override
Return the parallel type of this algorithm.
- Returns:
Parallel type of this algorithm
virtual void setParallelType(const ParallelType &type) override
Set the parallel type of this algorithm.
Use setParallelType to set parallel type of this algorithm to ParallelType::OpenMP in shared build.
- Parameters:
type – Parallel type of this algorithm.
inline virtual void setOmpThreadNum(const int threadNum) override
Set the thread numbers while paralleling.
Use gwmodel_set_GWAverage_openmp() to set this property in shared build.
- Parameters:
threadNum – Number of threads.
virtual bool isValid() override
Check whether the algorithm’s configuration is valid.
- Returns:
true if the algorithm’s configuration is valid.
- Returns:
false if the algorithm’s configuration is invalid.
inline virtual const arma::mat &variables2() const override
Get variables.
- Returns:
arma::mat of variables.
inline virtual void setVariables2(const arma::mat &x) override
set variables variables for GWAverage
inline virtual const arma::mat &variables1() const override
Get response variables.
- Returns:
arma::mat of variables.
inline virtual void setVariables1(const arma::mat &y) override
set variables variables for GWAverage
virtual void run() override
Run analysis algorithm.
void calibration(const arma::mat &locations, const arma::mat &x)
Public Static Functions
static inline double covwt(const arma::mat &x1, const arma::mat &x2, const arma::vec &w)
Calculate weighted covariances for two matrices. Matrix \( X_1 \) Matrix \( X_2 \) Weight vector \( w \) Weighted covariances.
\[ cov(X_1,X_2) = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n w_i(x_{1i} - \bar{x}_1) \sum_{i=1}^n w_i(x_{2i} - \bar{x}_2)}{1 - \sum_{i=1}^n w_i} \]
static inline double corwt(const arma::mat &x1, const arma::mat &x2, const arma::vec &w)
Calculate weighted correlation for two matrices. Matrix \( X_1 \) Matrix \( X_2 \) Weight vector \( w \) Weighted correlation.
\[ corr(X_1,X_2) = \frac{cov(X_1,X_2)}{\sqrt{cov(X_1,X_1) cov(X_2,X_2)}} \]加权相关系数\[ corr(X_1,X_2) = \frac{cov(X_1,X_2)}{\sqrt{cov(X_1,X_1) cov(X_2,X_2)}} \]
static inline arma::vec rank(arma::vec x)
static arma::vec del(arma::vec x, arma::uword rowcount)
Public Static Attributes
static std::unordered_map<BandwidthInitilizeType, std::string> BandwidthInitilizeTypeNameMapper
A mapper from bandwidth inilization types to their names.
static std::unordered_map<BandwidthSelectionCriterionType, std::string> BandwidthSelectionCriterionTypeNameMapper
A mapper from bandwidth selection criterion types to their names.
Protected Functions
inline BandwidthWeight *bandwidth(size_t i)