Class SpatialMultiscaleAlgorithm
Defined in File SpatialMultiscaleAlgorithm.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public gwm::SpatialAlgorithm
(Class SpatialAlgorithm)
Derived Types
public gwm::GWCorrelation
(Class GWCorrelation)public gwm::GWRMultiscale
(Class GWRMultiscale)
Class Documentation
class SpatialMultiscaleAlgorithm : public gwm::SpatialAlgorithm
Interface for spatial algorithm with a single bandwidth. It defines some interface commonly used in spatial algorithms:
Getter and setter of spatial weight configuration.
Pointer of this type can be put to these classes:
Subclassed by gwm::GWCorrelation, gwm::GWRMultiscale
Public Functions
inline SpatialMultiscaleAlgorithm()
Construct a new SpatialMultiscaleAlgorithm object.
inline SpatialMultiscaleAlgorithm(const arma::mat &coords, const std::vector<SpatialWeight> &spatialWeights)
Construct a new SpatialMultiscaleAlgorithm object.
- Parameters:
coords – Coordinates Spatial weighting schemes
inline virtual ~SpatialMultiscaleAlgorithm()
Destroy the SpatialMultiscaleAlgorithm object.
inline const std::vector<SpatialWeight> &spatialWeights() const
Get the spatial weight configuration.
- Returns:
Spatial weight configuration object.
inline virtual void setSpatialWeights(const std::vector<SpatialWeight> &spatialWeights)
Set the spatial weight configuration.
Use gwmodel_set_gwr_spatial_weight() to set this property to GWRBasic in shared build.
Use gwmodel_set_gwss_spatial_weight() to set this property to GWSS in shared build.
- Parameters:
spatialWeights – Reference of spatial weight configuration object.
void createDistanceParameter(size_t size)
Create parameter for distance calculator. Number of parameters.
Protected Attributes
std::vector<SpatialWeight> mSpatialWeights
Spatial weight configuration.