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Class Documentation

class GWPCA : public gwm::SpatialMonoscaleAlgorithm, public gwm::IMultivariableAnalysis

Geographically weighted principle component analysis.

Public Functions

inline GWPCA()

Construct a new GWPCA object.

inline GWPCA(const arma::mat x, const arma::mat coords, const SpatialWeight &spatialWeight)

Construct a new GWPCA object. Variables Coordinates Spatial weighting scheme.

inline virtual ~GWPCA()

Destroy the GWPCA object.

inline int keepComponents()

Get the number of Kept Components. Number of Kept Components.

inline void setKeepComponents(int k)

Set the number of Kept Components object. Number of Kept Components.

inline const arma::mat &localPV()

Get the Local Principle Values matrix. Local Principle Values matrix.

inline const arma::cube &loadings()

Get the Loadings matrix. Loadings matrix.

inline const arma::mat &sdev()

Get the Standard deviation matrix. Standard deviation matrix.

inline const arma::cube &scores()

Get the Scores matrix. Scores matrix.

inline virtual const arma::mat &variables() const override

Get variables.


Vector of variables.

inline virtual void setVariables(const arma::mat &x) override

Set variables.


x – Vector of variables.

virtual void run() override

Run analysis algorithm.

virtual bool isValid() override

Check whether the algorithm’s configuration is valid.


true if the algorithm’s configuration is valid.


false if the algorithm’s configuration is invalid.