Class Logger
Defined in File Logger.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public gwm::ITelegram
(Struct ITelegram)
Derived Type
public StdTelegram
(Class StdTelegram)
Class Documentation
class Logger : public gwm::ITelegram
Logger. Used to pass logging messages to outer printer functions. To accept messages, set the static member printer to self-defined functions.
Subclassed by StdTelegram
Public Functions
inline virtual void print(std::string message, LogLevel level, std::string fun_name, std::string file_name) override
Call printer to print a log. Log message Log level Caller function name The file where caller function is defined.
inline virtual void progress(std::size_t current, std::size_t total, std::string fun_name, std::string file_name) override
Report the progress of this algorithm. Current progress. Total number of progress.
inline virtual void progress(double percent, std::string fun_name, std::string file_name) override
Report the progress of this algorithm. Current percentage of total progress.
inline virtual bool stop() override
Tell the algorithm whether to stop. Yes, stop progress. No, don’t stop progress.
inline virtual void print(std::string message, LogLevel level, std::string fun_name, std::string file_name) override