Struct IBandwidthSelectable

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Struct Documentation

struct IBandwidthSelectable

Interface for bandwidth-selectable algorithm.

Subclassed by gwm::GTWR, gwm::GWCorrelation, gwm::GWRBasic, gwm::GWRGeneralized, gwm::GWRLocalCollinearity, gwm::GWRMultiscale

Public Functions

virtual Status getCriterion(BandwidthWeight *weight, double &criterion) = 0

Get criterion value with given bandwidth for bandwidth optimization.

  • weight – Given bandwidth.

  • criterion – [out] Criterion value.


Status Algorithm status.

Public Static Functions

static inline std::string infoBandwidthCriterion(const BandwidthWeight *weight)

Get meta infomation of current bandwidth value and the corresponding criterion value. Bandwidth weight Information string.

static inline std::string infoBandwidthCriterion(const BandwidthWeight *weight, const double value)

Get infomation of current bandwidth value and the corresponding criterion value. Bandwidth weight Criterion value Information string.