Class SpatialAlgorithm

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class SpatialAlgorithm : public gwm::Algorithm

Abstract spatial algorithm class. This class cannot been constructed. It defines some interface commonly used in spatial algorithms.

Subclassed by gwm::GTDR, gwm::SpatialMonoscaleAlgorithm, gwm::SpatialMultiscaleAlgorithm

Public Functions

inline SpatialAlgorithm()

Construct a new SpatialAlgorithm object.

inline SpatialAlgorithm(const arma::mat &coords)

Construct a new SpatialAlgorithm object.


coords – A coordinate matrix representing positions of samples.

inline virtual ~SpatialAlgorithm()

Destroy the SpatialAlgorithm object.

inline const arma::mat &coords() const

Get Coords.


arma::mat A coordinate matrix representing positions of samples.

inline void setCoords(const arma::mat &coords)

Set the Coords object.


coords – Coordinates representing positions of samples.

virtual bool isValid() override

Check whether the algorithm’s configuration is valid.


true if the algorithm’s configuration is valid.


false if the algorithm’s configuration is invalid.

Protected Attributes

arma::mat mCoords

Coordinate matrix.