Struct IParallelizable

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Struct Documentation

struct IParallelizable

Interface for parallelizable algorithm.

Subclassed by gwm::GTDR, gwm::GTWR, gwm::GWAverage, gwm::GWCorrelation, gwm::GWDA, gwm::GWRBasic, gwm::GWRGeneralized, gwm::GWRLocalCollinearity, gwm::GWRMultiscale

Public Functions

virtual int parallelAbility() const = 0

Return the parallel ability of this algorithm.


Bitwise OR of aviliable parallel types of this algorithm.

virtual ParallelType parallelType() const = 0

Return the parallel type of this algorithm.


Parallel type of this algorithm

virtual void setParallelType(const ParallelType &type) = 0

Set the parallel type of this algorithm.


type – Parallel type of this algorithm.