Class GWRBase
Defined in File GWRBase.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
public gwm::SpatialMonoscaleAlgorithm
(Class SpatialMonoscaleAlgorithm)public gwm::IRegressionAnalysis
(Struct IRegressionAnalysis)
Derived Types
public gwm::GTWR
(Class GTWR)public gwm::GWRBasic
(Class GWRBasic)public gwm::GWRGeneralized
(Class GWRGeneralized)public gwm::GWRLocalCollinearity
(Class GWRLocalCollinearity)public gwm::GWRScalable
(Class GWRScalable)
Class Documentation
class GWRBase : public gwm::SpatialMonoscaleAlgorithm, public gwm::IRegressionAnalysis
Interface for monoscale geographically weighted regression algorithm. This class provides some commmon interfaces of geographically weighted regression algorithm. It could not be constructed.
Subclassed by gwm::GTWR, gwm::GWRBasic, gwm::GWRGeneralized, gwm::GWRLocalCollinearity, gwm::GWRScalable
Public Functions
inline GWRBase()
Construct a new CGwmGWRBase object.
inline GWRBase(const arma::mat &x, const arma::vec &y, const SpatialWeight &spatialWeight, const arma::mat &coords)
Construct a new CGwmGWRBase object.
- Parameters:
x – Independent variables.
y – Dependent variable.
spatialWeight – Spatial weighting configuration.
coords – Coordinate matrix.
inline ~GWRBase()
Destroy the CGwmGWRBase object.
inline const arma::mat &betas() const
Get coefficient estimates.
- Returns:
arma::mat Coefficient estimates.
inline virtual const arma::vec &dependentVariable() const override
Get the Dependent Variable object.
- Returns:
arma::vec Dependent Variable.
inline virtual void setDependentVariable(const arma::vec &y) override
Set the Dependent Variable object.
- Parameters:
y –
inline virtual const arma::mat &independentVariables() const override
Get the Independent Variables object.
- Returns:
arma::mat Independent Variables.
inline virtual void setIndependentVariables(const arma::mat &x) override
Set the Independent Variables object.
- Parameters:
x –
inline virtual bool hasIntercept() const override
Get whether has intercept.
- Returns:
true if has intercept.
- Returns:
false if doesnot has intercept.
inline virtual void setHasIntercept(const bool has) override
Set the Has Intercept object.
- Parameters:
has – true if has intercept, otherwise false.
inline virtual RegressionDiagnostic diagnostic() const override
Get diagnostic information.
- Returns:
RegressionDiagnostic Diagnostic information.
virtual bool isValid() override
Check whether the algorithm’s configuration is valid.
- Returns:
true if the algorithm’s configuration is valid.
- Returns:
false if the algorithm’s configuration is invalid.
Public Static Functions
static inline arma::vec Fitted(const arma::mat &x, const arma::mat &betas)
Calculate fitted values of dependent varialbe by given \(X\) and \(\beta\).
- Parameters:
x – Independent variables \(X\).
betas – Coefficient estimates \(\beta\).
- Returns:
vec Fitted values of dependent varialbe.
static inline double RSS(const arma::mat &x, const arma::mat &y, const arma::mat &betas)
Calculate sum of squared residuals by given \(X\), \(y\), and \(\beta\).
- Parameters:
x – Independent variables \(X\).
y – Dependent variable \(y\).
betas – Coefficient estimates \(\beta\).
- Returns:
double Sum of squared residuals.
static inline double AICc(const arma::mat &x, const arma::mat &y, const arma::mat &betas, const arma::vec &shat)
Calculate AICc value according to given \(X\), \(y\), \(\beta\), \(tr(S)\) and \(tr(SS^T)\).
- Parameters:
x – Independent variables \(X\).
y – Dependent variable \(y\).
betas – Coefficient estimates \(\beta\).
shat – A vector of 2 elements: \(tr(S)\) and \(tr(SS^T)\).
- Returns:
double AICc value.
inline GWRBase()