Struct IParallelCudaEnabled

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Struct Documentation

struct IParallelCudaEnabled

Interface for parallelizable algorithm implemented by CUDA.

可 CUDA 加速的算法接口。

Subclassed by gwm::GWRBasic, gwm::GWRMultiscale

Public Functions

virtual void setGPUId(const int gpuId) = 0

Set ID of used GPU while paralleling.


gpuId – ID of used GPU. Start from 0.

virtual void setGroupSize(const std::size_t size) = 0

Set the group size while paralleling.


size – Group size \(g\) while paralleling. Usually this is up to memory size \(m\) (B) of GPU with ID gpuId. If there are \(n\) samples and \(k\) variables,

\[ k * n * g * 8 < m \]
For most GPU, 64 is OK.