Class VariableForwardSelector
Defined in File VariableForwardSelector.h
Class Documentation
class VariableForwardSelector
Forward variable selector.
Public Functions
inline VariableForwardSelector()
Construct a new Variable Forward Selector object.
inline VariableForwardSelector(const std::vector<std::size_t> &variables, double threshold)
Construct a new Variable Forward Selector object. Indeces Threshold.
inline ~VariableForwardSelector()
Destroy the Variable Forward Selector object.
inline std::vector<std::size_t> indepVars() const
Get variables. Indeces.
inline void setIndepVars(const std::vector<std::size_t> &indepVars)
Set variables. Indeces.
inline double threshold() const
Get threshold. Threshold.
inline void setThreshold(double threshold)
Set threshold. Threshold.
std::vector<std::size_t> optimize(IVarialbeSelectable *instance)
Optimize variable combination. A pointer to a instance of type inherited from gwm::IVarialbeSelectable Optimized variable combination.
VariablesCriterionList indepVarsCriterion() const
Get the list of criterion values for each variable combination in independent variable selection. List of criterion values for each variable combination in independent variable selection.
Public Static Functions
static inline arma::uvec index2uvec(const std::vector<std::size_t> &index, bool hasIntercept)
Convert index form type std::size_t to arma::uvec. Indeces of type std::size_t Whether has intercept Indeces of type arma::uvec.
inline VariableForwardSelector()