Class GWRMultiscale
Defined in File GWRMultiscale.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
public gwm::SpatialMultiscaleAlgorithm
(Class SpatialMultiscaleAlgorithm)public gwm::IBandwidthSelectable
(Struct IBandwidthSelectable)public gwm::IRegressionAnalysis
(Struct IRegressionAnalysis)public gwm::IParallelizable
(Struct IParallelizable)public gwm::IParallelOpenmpEnabled
(Struct IParallelOpenmpEnabled)public gwm::IParallelCudaEnabled
(Struct IParallelCudaEnabled)public gwm::IParallelMpiEnabled
(Struct IParallelMpiEnabled)
Class Documentation
class GWRMultiscale : public gwm::SpatialMultiscaleAlgorithm, public gwm::IBandwidthSelectable, public gwm::IRegressionAnalysis, public gwm::IParallelizable, public gwm::IParallelOpenmpEnabled, public gwm::IParallelCudaEnabled, public gwm::IParallelMpiEnabled
Multiscale GWR Algorithm.
Public Types
enum BandwidthInitilizeType
Type of bandwidth initilization.
enumerator Null
enumerator Initial
enumerator Specified
enumerator Null
enum BandwidthSelectionCriterionType
Type of criterion for bandwidth selection.
enumerator CV
enumerator AIC
enumerator CV
enum BackFittingCriterionType
Type of criterion for backfitting convergence.
enumerator CVR
enumerator dCVR
enumerator CVR
typedef double (GWRMultiscale::* BandwidthSizeCriterionFunction)(BandwidthWeight*)
Function to calculate the criterion for given bandwidth size.
typedef arma::vec (GWRMultiscale::* FitVarFunction)(const size_t)
Function to fit a model for the given variable.
typedef arma::vec (GWRMultiscale::* FitVarCoreFunction)(const arma::vec&, const arma::vec&, const SpatialWeight&, arma::mat&)
Function to fit a model for the given variable.
typedef arma::vec (GWRMultiscale::* FitVarCoreCVFunction)(const arma::vec&, const arma::vec&, const SpatialWeight&)
Function to fit a model for the given variable.
typedef arma::vec (GWRMultiscale::* FitVarCoreSHatFunction)(const arma::vec&, const arma::vec&, const SpatialWeight&, arma::vec&)
Function to fit a model for the given variable.
Public Functions
inline GWRMultiscale()
Construct a new GWRMultiscale object.
inline GWRMultiscale(const arma::mat &x, const arma::vec &y, const arma::mat &coords, const std::vector<SpatialWeight> &spatialWeights)
Construct a new GWRMultiscale object.
- Parameters:
x – Independent variables.
y – Dependent variable.
coords – Coordinate matrix.
spatialWeights – Spatial weighting configuration.
inline virtual ~GWRMultiscale()
Destroy the GWRMultiscale object.
inline void setGoldenUpperBounds(double value)
Set the upper bounds of golden selection.
inline void setGoldenLowerBounds(double value)
Set the lower bounds of golden selection.
inline const std::vector<BandwidthInitilizeType> &bandwidthInitilize() const
Get the type of bandwidth initilization.
- Returns:
std::vector<BandwidthInitilizeType> The type of bandwidth initilization
void setBandwidthInitilize(const std::vector<BandwidthInitilizeType> &bandwidthInitilize)
Set the bandwidth initilization type.
- Parameters:
bandwidthInitilize – The type of bandwidth initilization
inline const std::vector<BandwidthSelectionCriterionType> &bandwidthSelectionApproach() const
Get the bandwidth selection approach.
- Returns:
std::vector<BandwidthSelectionCriterionType> Bandwidth selection approach.
void setBandwidthSelectionApproach(const std::vector<BandwidthSelectionCriterionType> &bandwidthSelectionApproach)
Set the bandwidth selection approach.
- Parameters:
bandwidthSelectionApproach – Bandwidth selection approach.
inline const std::vector<bool> &preditorCentered() const
Get whether preditors are centered.
- Returns:
std::vector<bool> Whether preditors are centered.
inline void setPreditorCentered(const std::vector<bool> &preditorCentered)
Set the Preditor Centered object.
- Parameters:
preditorCentered – Whether preditors are centered.
inline const std::vector<double> &bandwidthSelectThreshold() const
Get the threshold of bandwidth selection.
- Returns:
std::vector<double> Threshold of bandwidth selection.
inline void setBandwidthSelectThreshold(const std::vector<double> &bandwidthSelectThreshold)
Set the threshold of bandwidth selection.
- Parameters:
bandwidthSelectThreshold – Threshold of bandwidth selection.
inline bool hasHatMatrix() const
Get whether has hat matrix \(S\).
- Returns:
true Has hat matrix.
- Returns:
false Doesn’t have.
inline void setHasHatMatrix(bool hasHatMatrix)
Set whether has hat matrix \(S\).
- Parameters:
hasHatMatrix – Whether has hat matrix \(S\).
inline size_t bandwidthSelectRetryTimes() const
Get maximum retry times when select bandwidths.
- Returns:
size_t The maximum retry times when select bandwidths.
inline void setBandwidthSelectRetryTimes(size_t bandwidthSelectRetryTimes)
Set maximum retry times when select bandwidths.
- Parameters:
bandwidthSelectRetryTimes – The maximum retry times when select bandwidths.
inline size_t maxIteration() const
Get maximum iteration times.
- Returns:
size_t The maximum iteration times.
inline void setMaxIteration(size_t maxIteration)
Set maximum iteration times.
- Parameters:
maxIteration – The maximum iteration times.
inline BackFittingCriterionType criterionType() const
Get type of backfitting convergence criterion.
- Returns:
BackFittingCriterionType The type of backfitting convergence criterion.
inline void setCriterionType(const BackFittingCriterionType &criterionType)
Set type of backfitting convergence criterion.
- Parameters:
criterionType – The type of backfitting convergence criterion.
inline double criterionThreshold() const
Get threshold of criterion.
- Returns:
double The threshold of criterion.
inline void setCriterionThreshold(double criterionThreshold)
Set threshold of criterion.
- Parameters:
criterionThreshold – The threshold of criterion.
inline int adaptiveLower() const
Get lower bound for optimizing adaptive bandwidth.
- Returns:
int The lower bound for optimizing adaptive bandwidth.
inline void setAdaptiveLower(int adaptiveLower)
Set lower bound for optimizing adaptive bandwidth.
- Parameters:
adaptiveLower – The lower bound for optimizing adaptive bandwidth.
inline const arma::mat &betas() const
Get coefficient estimates \(\beta\).
- Returns:
arma::mat Coefficient estimates \(\beta\).
BandwidthSizeCriterionFunction bandwidthSizeCriterionVar(BandwidthSelectionCriterionType type)
Get criterion calculator function for optimize bandwidth size for one variable.
- Parameters:
type – The criterion type for optimize bandwidth size for one variable.
- Returns:
BandwidthSizeCriterionFunction The criterion calculator for optimize bandwidth size for one variable.
virtual bool isValid() override
Check whether the algorithm’s configuration is valid.
- Returns:
true if the algorithm’s configuration is valid.
- Returns:
false if the algorithm’s configuration is invalid.
virtual void setSpatialWeights(const std::vector<SpatialWeight> &spatialWeights) override
Set the spatial weight configuration.
Use gwmodel_set_gwr_spatial_weight() to set this property to GWRBasic in shared build.
Use gwmodel_set_gwss_spatial_weight() to set this property to GWSS in shared build.
- Parameters:
spatialWeights – Reference of spatial weight configuration object.
inline virtual Status getCriterion(BandwidthWeight *weight, double &criterion) override
Get criterion value with given bandwidth for bandwidth optimization.
- Parameters:
weight – Given bandwidth.
criterion – [out] Criterion value.
- Returns:
Status Algorithm status.
inline virtual const arma::vec &dependentVariable() const override
Get the Dependent Variable object.
- Returns:
arma::vec Dependent Variable.
inline virtual void setDependentVariable(const arma::vec &y) override
Set the Dependent Variable object.
- Parameters:
y –
inline virtual const arma::mat &independentVariables() const override
Get the Independent Variables object.
- Returns:
arma::mat Independent Variables.
inline virtual void setIndependentVariables(const arma::mat &x) override
Set the Independent Variables object.
- Parameters:
x –
inline virtual bool hasIntercept() const override
Get whether has intercept.
- Returns:
true if has intercept.
- Returns:
false if doesnot has intercept.
inline virtual void setHasIntercept(const bool has) override
Set the Has Intercept object.
- Parameters:
has – true if has intercept, otherwise false.
inline virtual RegressionDiagnostic diagnostic() const override
Get diagnostic information.
- Returns:
RegressionDiagnostic Diagnostic information.
inline virtual arma::mat predict(const arma::mat &locations) override
Predict coefficients on specified locations.
- Parameters:
locations – Locations where to predict coefficients.
- Returns:
mat Predicted coefficients.
virtual arma::mat fit() override
Fit coefficient estimates.
- Returns:
mat Coefficient estimates
inline virtual int parallelAbility() const override
Return the parallel ability of this algorithm.
- Returns:
Bitwise OR of aviliable parallel types of this algorithm.
inline virtual ParallelType parallelType() const override
Return the parallel type of this algorithm.
- Returns:
Parallel type of this algorithm
virtual void setParallelType(const ParallelType &type) override
Set the parallel type of this algorithm.
- Parameters:
type – Parallel type of this algorithm.
inline virtual void setOmpThreadNum(const int threadNum) override
Set the thread numbers while paralleling.
- Parameters:
threadNum – Number of threads.
inline virtual void setGPUId(const int gpuId) override
Set ID of used GPU while paralleling.
- Parameters:
gpuId – ID of used GPU. Start from 0.
inline virtual void setGroupSize(const std::size_t size) override
Set the group size while paralleling.
- Parameters:
size – Group size \(g\) while paralleling. Usually this is up to memory size \(m\) (B) of GPU with ID gpuId. If there are \(n\) samples and \(k\) variables,
\[ k * n * g * 8 < m \]For most GPU, 64 is OK.
inline virtual int workerId() override
inline virtual void setWorkerId(int id) override
inline virtual void setWorkerNum(int size) override
Public Static Attributes
static std::unordered_map<BandwidthInitilizeType, std::string> BandwidthInitilizeTypeNameMapper
A mapper from bandwidth inilization types to their names.
static std::unordered_map<BandwidthSelectionCriterionType, std::string> BandwidthSelectionCriterionTypeNameMapper
A mapper from bandwidth selection criterion types to their names.
static std::unordered_map<BackFittingCriterionType, std::string> BackFittingCriterionTypeNameMapper
A mapper from backfitting convergence criterion types to their names.
static int treeChildCount
Protected Functions
inline BandwidthWeight *bandwidth(size_t i)
Get the \(i\)-th bandwidth.
- Parameters:
i – The index of bandwidth.
- Returns:
BandwidthWeight* The \(i\)-th bandwidth.
arma::mat fitInitial()
arma::mat backfitting(const arma::mat &betas0)
The backfitting algorithm.
- Parameters:
x – Independent variables \(X\).
y – Dependent variable \(y\).
- Returns:
arma::mat Coefficient estimates \(\beta\).
arma::vec fitVarBase(const size_t var)
double bandwidthSizeCriterionVarCVBase(BandwidthWeight *bandwidthWeight)
The serial implementation of CV criterion calculator for given bandwidth size and one variable.
- Parameters:
bandwidthWeight – Badwidth weight.
- Returns:
double CV criterion value.
double bandwidthSizeCriterionVarAICBase(BandwidthWeight *bandwidthWeight)
The serial implementation of AIC criterion calculator for given bandwidth size and one variable.
- Parameters:
bandwidthWeight – Badwidth weight.
- Returns:
double AIC criterion value.
arma::vec fitVarCoreSerial(const arma::vec &x, const arma::vec &y, const SpatialWeight &sw, arma::mat &S)
The serial implementation of fit function for one variable.
- Parameters:
x – Independent variables \(X\).
y – Dependent variable \(y\).
var – The index of this variable.
S – The hat matrix \(S\).
- Returns:
arma::vec The coefficient estimates corresponding to this variable.
arma::vec fitVarCoreCVSerial(const arma::vec &x, const arma::vec &y, const SpatialWeight &sw)
arma::vec fitVarCoreSHatSerial(const arma::vec &x, const arma::vec &y, const SpatialWeight &sw, arma::vec &shat)
enum BandwidthInitilizeType