Class GWRLocalCollinearity
Defined in File GWRLocalCollinearity.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
public gwm::GWRBase
(Class GWRBase)public gwm::IBandwidthSelectable
(Struct IBandwidthSelectable)public gwm::IParallelizable
(Struct IParallelizable)public gwm::IParallelOpenmpEnabled
(Struct IParallelOpenmpEnabled)
Class Documentation
class GWRLocalCollinearity : public gwm::GWRBase, public gwm::IBandwidthSelectable, public gwm::IParallelizable, public gwm::IParallelOpenmpEnabled
GWR model for dat of local collinearity.
Public Types
typedef double (GWRLocalCollinearity::* BandwidthSelectionCriterionCalculator)(BandwidthWeight*)
Calculator to get criterion for bandwidth optimization.
typedef arma::mat (GWRLocalCollinearity::* FitCalculator)(const arma::mat&, const arma::vec&, arma::vec&, arma::vec&)
Calculator to predict.
typedef arma::mat (GWRLocalCollinearity::* PredictCalculator)(const arma::mat&, const arma::mat&, const arma::vec&)
Calculator to predict.
Public Functions
Construct a new GWRLocalCollinearity object.
Destroy the GWRLocalCollinearity object.
inline double cnThresh() const
Get the threshold. The threshold.
inline void setCnThresh(double cnThresh)
Set the threshold. The threshold.
inline double lambda() const
Get the lambda value The lambda value.
inline void setLambda(double lambda)
Set the lambda value The lambda value.
inline bool hasHatMatrix() const
Get whether has hat matrix. Yes No.
inline void setHasHatMatrix(bool value)
Set whether has hat matrix. Whether has hat matrix.
inline bool lambdaAdjust() const
Get whether to adjust lambda.
inline void setLambdaAdjust(bool lambdaAdjust)
Set whether to adjust lambda Whether to adjust lambda.
inline RegressionDiagnostic dialnostic() const
inline arma::vec localCN() const
inline arma::vec localLambda() const
inline bool isAutoselectBandwidth() const
Get whether bandwidth optimization is enabled. Yes No.
inline void setIsAutoselectBandwidth(bool isAutoSelect)
Set whether bandwidth optimization is enabled. Whether bandwidth optimization is enabled.
inline const BandwidthCriterionList &bandwidthSelectionCriterionList() const
Get the list of criterion values for each bandwidth value. List of criterion values for each bandwidth value.
inline BandwidthSelectionCriterionType bandwidthSelectionCriterion() const
Get the type of criterion for bandwidth optimization. Type of criterion for bandwidth optimization.
void setBandwidthSelectionCriterion(const BandwidthSelectionCriterionType &criterion)
Set the type of criterion for bandwidth optimization. Type of criterion for bandwidth optimization.
inline virtual Status getCriterion(BandwidthWeight *bandwidthWeight, double &criterion) override
Get criterion value with given bandwidth for bandwidth optimization.
- Parameters:
weight – Given bandwidth.
criterion – [out] Criterion value.
- Returns:
Status Algorithm status.
virtual arma::mat fit() override
Fit coefficient estimates.
- Returns:
mat Coefficient estimates
virtual arma::mat predict(const arma::mat &locations) override
Predict coefficients on specified locations.
- Parameters:
locations – Locations where to predict coefficients.
- Returns:
mat Predicted coefficients.
inline virtual int parallelAbility() const override
Return the parallel ability of this algorithm.
- Returns:
Bitwise OR of aviliable parallel types of this algorithm.
inline virtual ParallelType parallelType() const override
Return the parallel type of this algorithm.
- Returns:
Parallel type of this algorithm
virtual void setParallelType(const ParallelType &type) override
Set the parallel type of this algorithm.
- Parameters:
type – Parallel type of this algorithm.
inline virtual void setOmpThreadNum(const int threadNum) override
Set the thread numbers while paralleling.
- Parameters:
threadNum – Number of threads.
Public Static Functions
static RegressionDiagnostic CalcDiagnostic(const arma::mat &x, const arma::vec &y, const arma::mat &betas, const arma::vec &shat)
Calculate diagnostic information. Independent variables Dependent variables Coefficient estimates A vector of trace of \(S\) and \(S'S\) Diagnostic information.
Protected Functions
arma::vec ridgelm(const arma::vec &w, double lambda)
Ridge linear regression.
Protected Attributes
BandwidthCriterionList mBandwidthSelectionCriterionList
BandwidthSelectionCriterionType mBandwidthSelectionCriterion = BandwidthSelectionCriterionType::CV
BandwidthSelectionCriterionCalculator mBandwidthSelectionCriterionFunction = &GWRLocalCollinearity::bandwidthSizeCriterionCVSerial
double mBandwidthLastCriterion = DBL_MAX
Last criterion for bandwidth selection.
typedef double (GWRLocalCollinearity::* BandwidthSelectionCriterionCalculator)(BandwidthWeight*)