Class SpatialMonoscaleAlgorithm

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class SpatialMonoscaleAlgorithm : public gwm::SpatialAlgorithm

Interface for spatial algorithm with a single bandwidth. It defines some interface commonly used in spatial monoscale algorithms.

Subclassed by gwm::GWAverage, gwm::GWDA, gwm::GWPCA, gwm::GWRBase

Public Functions

inline SpatialMonoscaleAlgorithm()

Construct a new CGwmSpatialMonoscaleAlgorithm object.

inline SpatialMonoscaleAlgorithm(const SpatialWeight &spatialWeight, arma::mat coords)

Construct a new CGwmSpatialMonoscaleAlgorithm object.

  • spatialWeight – Spatial weighting configuration.

  • coords – Coordinates

inline virtual ~SpatialMonoscaleAlgorithm()

Destroy the CGwmSpatialMonoscaleAlgorithm object.

inline const SpatialWeight &spatialWeight() const

Get the spatial weight configuration.


Spatial weight configuration object.

inline void setSpatialWeight(const SpatialWeight &spatialWeight)

Set the spatial weight configuration.


spatialWeight – Reference of spatial weight configuration object.

void createDistanceParameter()

Create a Distance Parameter object. Store in CGwmGWSS::mDistanceParameter.

Protected Attributes

SpatialWeight mSpatialWeight

Spatial weight configuration.